Iite, our Spanish partners, report,
“Surrounded by Camellia Sinensis, in Galicia, where there are the only tea-gardens in Spain, it was held last June, 29th, the second edition of the TMC Spain, this year devoted to Tea Tasting. From re-known Spanish professionals to curious onlookers, altogether were captivated by the Tea Spirit and after a tight competition, our winner, Pilar Serrano, UK Tea Academy licensed tutor, was applauded unanimously”.
We remind that Tea Tasting is a tournament in which participants taste teas and tea additives in attempt to memorize and recognize them during subsequent blind tastings. Tea Tasting is equally interesting and open to both professional tea tasters or blenders and to tea amateurs.
We congratulate the winner and wish Pilar a successful performance at Tea Masters Cup International 2019.